Tory pension pledges - expert reaction

Pensions are key to next month’s general election, reckons Steven Cameron, pensions director at Aegon, speaking after today’s launch of the Conservative Party’s manifesto.


Sunak confirms 2p NI cut in Tory manifesto

Rishi Sunak has confirmed much-trailed plans for a 2p national insurance cut as the key message in the Conservative Party’s manifesto, launched today at the Silverstone motor racing circuit.


Pension experts criticise Tory 'Triple Lock Plus' plan

Pension experts have criticised the Conservatives' pledge to raise the tax-free pension allowance via a ‘Triple Lock Plus’ if they win the general election.


Conservative Party Manifesto makes multiple pension pledges

The Conservative Party launched its manifesto yesterday in the marginal seat of Telford with the 64-page document including a number of pensions pledges.

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