STM £40m acquisition delayed for another month

The £39.8m acquisition of pension services and SIPP provider STM by Guernsey-based investment vehicle Pension SuperFund Capital has been extended for another month after the firms said it was taking longer than expected to receive regulatory approvals.


Pension SuperFund acquires STM for £40m

Pension services and SIPP provider STM has been acquired by Guernsey-based investment vehicle Pension SuperFund Capital in a £39.8m deal that was extended several times since first being announced in July.


'Inadvertent rule breach' in STM bid

Pension SuperFund Capital has reported an “inadvertent breach” of one of the rules of City Code on Takeovers and Mergers in its announcement on 8 September about its offer for SIPP provider STM Group.


STM Group offer extended for fourth time

The £39m bid for SIPP provider STM Group has been extended for a fourth time as chief executive Alan Kentish strives to buy a chunk of the company.

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