Trott: Regulator has tarred our sector with scam brush

When I write a blog it can be a stream of words pouring out my head onto my laptop, but I do reread what I have written, and think about the impact of what I have said, I also spell check it and have others do the same for me.


Claire Trott: Ruling could be key for IHT planning

Every year there is a warning out to those doing pension transfers that they need to be extra careful if the client may die within two years of the transfer because of ill health at the point of the transfer.


Female pensions expert speaks against gender diversity scheme

A leading female Sipps and pensions expert says she has spoken against a Government-led initiative to promote greater ‘gender diversity’.


Second hand annuity plans may face death by Brexit

Brexit could be the death of the second hand annuity market, a pensions expert believes.

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