PFS members have sensationally rejected two key motions at the AGM in Manchester in a serious blow for the board.
In an unexpected vote, motions to accept the Report and Financial Statements for the society and reappoint the auditors were both rejected at the AGM yesterday.
Rebel members of the PFS have been campaigning for a 'no' vote from members to express their dissatisfaction with the way PFS parent body the CII runs the PFS.
Days before the PFS AGM, PFS chief executive Don Macintyre unexpectedly quit after over two years as PFS interim CEO.
In a statement yesterday evening PFS chair Christine Elliott said the PFS would "reflect" on the votes and the next steps.
The votes took place at the PFS Board Annual General Meeting in Manchester yesterday (11 November). The PFS said that about 100 PFS members attended the Midland Hotel in Manchester in person, with about the same number joining proceedings online.
The two votes (items of ordinary’ business) were:
Item 1) that the Report and Financial Statements of the Society for the year ended 31 December 2023 be received and considered;
Item 2) that Crowe UK LLP be reappointed as Auditors of the Society for the financial year ending 31 December 2024 and that the Directors be authorised to agree their remuneration.
Members voted not to accept the two motions. The votes were:
Item 1) Item 2)
Votes For: 177 43.3% Votes For: 191 47.3%
Votes Against: 232 56.7% Votes Against: 213 52.7%
Responding to the vote outcomes, Christine Elliott, PFS board chair, said: “The PFS Board is pleased that so many of our members engaged with the business brought to this year’s AGM.
"We want an active membership, as we need to be able to act and speak for all our members. We will be reaching out to those members who voted against these items to better understand why those chose to do so.
"The PFS Board is in ‘receiving’ mode, listening and actively responding. We will reflect on what we hear before deciding what steps to next take in consultation with our members. The PFS Board is here to serve and ensure our members get the support they need and deserve.”
Carla Brown, PFS President, said: “The PFS board is committed to actively listening and working on behalf of our members. We benefitted from receiving a great many questions at today’s AGM, and we look forward to continuing many positive conversations over coming weeks and months.
"I know all members of the PFS Board look forward to playing their role in delivering the goals that we are currently developing as part of our plan for 2025, including modernising our membership offer, developing our sector thought leadership, and better supporting our volunteers to deliver the great work that they do on behalf of our wider membership.”
It is not clear what will happen to the two motions but it is likely they will need to be put to the members again.
At the meeting, Christine Elliott, chair of the PFS Board, was ratified by members as a Lay Director. Carla Brown, President of the PFS, was reappointed as a Member Direct, and Ben Wright’s membership of the PFS Board – as a Member Director – was also ratified.