CII backs diversity and inclusion campaign for profession

The Chartered Insurance Institute to run a series of diversity and inclusion events with local institutes to celebrate and explain the benefits of diversity and inclusion for the profession during the ‘DiveIn’ festival in September.
The CII says that as part of the DiveIn festival - which promotes diversity and inclusion in the global insurance sector - the CII and three local institutes will host events exploring ways to make the insurance profession more inclusive of minorities and disadvantaged people.
The festival take place over three days from 24 to 26 September in 33 countries.
With the Insurance Institute of Cardiff, the CII will host an event titled The Power of Inclusion on 24 September 2019 at the Holiday Inn in Cardiff. The event will feature key speaker Nathalie McGloin, the first female with a spinal cord injury to be granted a racing licence in the UK, and Tali Shlomo, people engagement director of the CII.
On 25 September the Insurance Society of Edinburgh and the CII will run an event at Ghillie Dhu, Edinburgh, featuring Josh Littlejohn, co-founder of Social Bite, a social enterprise with a mission to eradicate homelessness in the country.
On 26 September the Insurance Institute of Ipswich, Suffolk and North Essex and the CII will host an interview with footballer Kelly Smith, who, after being asked to leave two boys’ teams for being their best player, was spotted by Arsenal Ladies Football Club scouts at the age of 16. The interview will take place at The Novotel Hotel, Ipswich.
CII members can sign-up to attend the events via www.diveinfestival.com.
Tali Shlomo, people engagement director of the CII, said: “The CII events will be looking at how we unlock talent.
“The festival is a wonderful example of how our united profession continues to collaborate and unite as we evolve our inclusion conversations to actions that make a positive impact.”
The DiveIn festival is also launching its new website this year: www.diveinfestival.com which includes a video library of D&I content from the last four DiveIn festivals, a history of the festival, and learning resources from previous years.