CII offers Covid-19 learning discounts to members
The Chartered Insurance Institute is offering discounted learning materials to furloughed members who work in insurance and personal finance and have been hit financially by the Coronavirus outbreak.
The professional body says it will offer the discounts to ensure those hit financially by Covid-19 can continue their professional development.
The institute will give a 20% discount on digital learning material to CII members and non-members who have been furloughed or seen a similar cut in their income. The offers applies where people’s learning and assessment costs are not funded or subsidised by their employer.
Those facing financial hardship due to being made redundant or working for a business that has collapsed as a result of Covid-19 are also eligible for discounts and financial assistance on digital learning or membership.
Further information about the support available is here:
Gill White, learning and assessment director at the Chartered Insurance Institute, said: “We have taken this action to assist and support both our members and non-members who are undertaking studies to maintain and develop their knowledge during this time of increased uncertainty.
“We want to ensure when government guidance changes, our insurance and personal finance professionals are in the best place they can be and have the knowledge needed to assist consumers.”