IFP staff and members will become inflatable sumo wrestlers when they take part in an event inspired by classic BBC television show It's a Knockout. Cath Faulds, Head of Business Development at the IFP, has organised a family fun day involving wacky activities such as inflatable assault courses and duels. Ten teams will compete in eight events to raise money for the Stoke Association. IFP Chief Executive Nick Cann suffered a stroke last year and is now recovering. {desktop}{/desktop}{mobile}{/mobile} Cath said: "Nick is a very sporty person, is immensely competitive and is a truly family man so I though this type of event would fit well. "I have worked for the IFP for 10 years and Nick has been a fantastic boss and friend of this time, just the mention of his name has made people want to be involved in this event." It takes place on 26 May. To participate contact Cath on 07977566525 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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