Ex-Financial Planner launches new life coaching firm

Experienced former Financial Planner Tony Fields has launched a new 'post-pandemic' personal coaching business called The Katalyst Coach.
The firm aims to help clients achieve personal and money goals and uses the slogan: 'Mindset, Motivation and Money'.
Mr Fields set up the business during the pandemic to help those looking for a different direction in life and to provide financial educational courses to help people make better financial and life decisions.
He is using his two decades experience in financial services to give the firm a focus on planning and realistic goals. He remains a qualified Chartered Financial Planner, he says, but no longer practices as a Chartered Planner so refers to himself as an ex-Financial Planner.
Mr Fields said he decided to launch the firm to help others because he had re-evaluated his own life goals during the pandemic. He found he wanted to spend more time with his growing family and help people in a more personal way.
Previously he was a Chartered Financial Planner at London-based Jarrovian Wealth and also worked for NFU Mutual, Utmost Wealth and AXA Wealth.
Mr Fields said: “Following a career in financial services, which included my time as a Chartered Financial Planner, like so many, I took a step back during the pandemic and re-evaluated what I really wanted to achieve.
“In addition, we were expecting another baby (our fourth), and historically I had not spent enough time around my family. I was determined for things to be different this time.”
In 2020, he was introduced to a mentor who persuaded him to try a different path and consider a new business.
He said: “I have enjoyed a successful career and my previous outlook was to work extremely hard to provide a certain lifestyle for my family. There is nothing wrong with this, however I often sacrificed family time and times while at work. It felt like something was missing.
“In addition as a Chartered Financial Planner, I loved the fact that the industry was becoming more professional and transparent, however grew frustrated that the industry is centred around managing clients with a certain level of assets. This is despite the fact that 95% of clients are looking at strategies to create wealth.
“Also in my past I have enjoyed developing others through coaching and mentoring, which included volunteering as a business mentor for the Princes Trust. I have always experienced immense satisfaction from helping others.”
He started the business with “zero clients” but says he is already picking up new clients, including a number of entrepreneurs.
The firm is called Katalyst because he believes everyone needs a catalyst, or “kick-start” at times, to find a new direction.
He has become an accredited mentor and personal development coach and is a member of the Academy of Life Planning, an international body aiming to provide financial education to larger numbers of people and to help clients with key life decisions.
He aims to combine financial education with life planning and personal growth, “three areas very close to my heart.”
He is also working with Financial Planning firms to help train the next generation of Financial Planners.
He has produced a number of free guides for individuals and IFA business owners available on his website: https://thekatalystcoach.com