Does your platform retain any of the interest it earns on customers’ cash balances?
If the answer is ‘yes’:
1. What are the current rates of interest you receive on customers’ cash balances? Can you please include in your answer:
a) the current average rate
a) if you receive different rates from different banks (or deposit takers), a table setting out these different rates
1. Of the interest you earn from customers’ cash balances, how much of this do you pass on to your customers? Can you please include in your answer:
a) the current average rate
a) if you are paying customers different rates for different accounts (e.g., ISA, SIPP, GIA) and different (tiered) amounts held in cash, a table setting out how the amount paid varies by account and amount
2. How have the above rates (covered by questions 1 and 2) changed over the last 18 months? Please set your answer out in a table with a short explanation as to why the rate changed and the impact of the change.
3. Do you have plans to change the rates you pay in the future? If so, please outline these for us and explain the rationale.
4. How much has the firm earned in interest on customers’ cash balances over the last 18 months. Could you please set this out in a table, broken down by month.
5. Does your firm apply an account fee to cash held in its customers’ investment accounts? If the answer is yes, please let us know the amount and nature of this fee (e.g., percentage of AUA; flat fee). If the fee varies between different wrappers (e.g., ISA, SIPP, GIA), please set out the varying amounts in a table.
6. Please provide a link to the location on your website where you explain your approach to the retention of interest to your customers.
7. Has the firm reviewed its approach to the retention of interest in the light of the Consumer Duty?
8. If so, could you summarise the outcome of that review?”