@FPM_Online reaches 100 Twitter followers
The new Financial Planner Online Twitter feed @FPM_Online has reached triple figures and now has 100 followers.
The feed, which was launched in September, gives followers daily alerts on all the major financial stories on the Financial Planner website as well as regular updates on latest member news from the Institute of Financial Planning.
The feed was also very prominent during the recent Financial Planning Week and complemented work done by the IFP on its Twitter feed @IFP_UK.
In January, the feed will be the only place to find out about what readers can expect to see from the new look re-vamped Financial Planner magazine.
Many thanks to everyone who is following the feed and has retweeted Financial Planner articles.
Twitter is a form of social media which has seen a surge in popularity in recent years and is a great source for keeping up to date with news and making contact with fellow advisers.
It is a microblogging website enabling users to send and receive messages of 140 characters. Around 65m tweets are sent each day around the world.
If you are already on Twitter, search @FPM_Online and say hello. If not, then now is the time to sign up for free at twitter.com