Fulfilling the minimum annual requirement of ethics CPD can sometimes seem like a challenge. To make things easier for members, the IFP's new programme of CPD workshops includes a day focused on ethics and practice standards.
Taking place in London on Tuesday 30 April, it's the perfect opportunity for you to fulfil the annual minimum requirement of five hours of ethics CPD.
The workshop content will take its lead from the IFP's Code of Ethics and the IFP Ethics Committee led by Andrew Brook-Dobson CFPCM. It will help you to go beyond compliance, and focus on building strong ethical values and cultures within your firm. Expert speakers will share ideas to challenge your thinking and help you focus positively on providing excellence in client service.
The format for the workshops will be very similar with technical presentations in the morning and an in-depth, interactive case study session in the afternoon so there's plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate.
Other workshops in the programme will focus on retirement planning, estate planning, practice management and investment and asset management. Multiple booking discounts are available.
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