With 2014 at an end, it's time to take a look back at what IFP has achieved for members and look forward to what we will be doing in 2015 and beyond, writes IFP chief executive Steve Gazzard  in January's Letter from Redcliff Street. Read more ...
Below is a summary of some key dates for your diary in 2015, including a retirement planning workshop. Read more ...
Essex branch welcomed Rory Percival from the FCA on the topic of "Regulatory myth busting – What the FCA really mean."
It was aimed at popping a few of those myths that the media and consultants seem eager for us planners and advisers to believe, reports branch chairman Sean Condon CFPCM. Read more ...
As part of his speech to conference in October, IFP CEO Steve Gazzard CFPCM talked about his concerns over the Financial Planning Gap that exists in the UK and how IFP is getting on the front foot to fight it, reports IFP communications director Sue Whitbread. Read more ...
IFP branches are the lifeblood of the Financial Planning community. Those individuals who give real commitment via time and efforts to run the branches as volunteer chairmen deserve considerable praise and thanks. Read more ...
"Nothing can be said to be certain in this world, except death and taxes " - or so goes the saying. Well, it took a different meaning when London branch welcomed Peter Legg of IHT Planning Matters in November, reports Co-chairman Abraham Okusanya CFPCM.
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In October, Leeds branch was privileged to be visited by Lifeplanning architect and master George Kinder CFP who was visiting the UK to run courses, reports branch chairman Murray McEwan CFPCM. Read more ...
For our final meeting of 2014 in November, Surrey branch welcomed Chris Piper, the South East and Central Agent for the Bank of England, reports branch co-chairman Keith Churchouse CFPCM. Read more ...
Below is a summary of the key IFP events coming up early in 2015. Read more ...
The IFP is on hand to support you in your quest for structured CPD in 2015. There are a number of options throughout the year that will all count towards your annual CPD and will hopefully make it easy for you to meet your annual requirement easily. Read more ...
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