Whether or not you use IFP as your Accredited Body to issue your SPS, there are lots of ways that your IFP membership can help you to be more effective in your role in 2013.
With all the changes taking place this year, you'll need to make sure you keep a step ahead of the competition which is set to increase. The IFP is keen to make sure that you get the support you need.
CPD online is likely to prove even more beneficial in 2013 with much new content available. You'll continue to receive your copy of Financial Planner magazine each month, as well as weekly e-bulletins from the IFP including the new Training and Development bulletin which replaces "Guide to Gap Fill."
If you need to sharpen your Financial Planning skills, our new Integrated Financial Planning Course is a must.
There are likely to be many changes to deal with, perhaps many of these are underestimated. Your IFP membership is your passport into the Financial Planning community which is so well known for its willingness to share ideas and experiences. Make the most of this network through attending branch meetings, CPD workshops, conferences and other face to face meetings but don't forget online networking through IFP LinkedIn groups or Twitter.
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