After a summer break, the Cotswold branch met in Cheltenham in September to hear from Neil Bailey FIFP, CFPCM of Fortitude Financial Planning.
The title of “No Lifetime Cash flow – No Comment!” set the tone of his talk which considered what clients really want from their Financial Planner.
He reminded delegates that Financial Planning is a professional service for clients who need objective assistance in order to organise their resources to achieve their financial and lifetime goals.
He gave several examples of how a financial plan helps drive and focus the service offered to the client and supported the statement that “if it ain’t got a lifetime cashflow, it ain’t a financial plan.”
The branch is fortunate to have the IFP’s member number one, Paul Etheridge FIFP CFPCM as a regular attendee and this was another meeting that was enhanced by Paul sharing his experience and knowledge with the audience.
An additional date for the diary is the members’ Christmas Supper set for 8 December. This event has been well supported in the past and chairman Steve Kirby CFPCM extends a welcome to all.
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