ISAs spur £553m bounceback in fund sales

Investors pumped in £553 million into funds in April after pulling out £3.5 billion in March, according to latest figures out today from the fund managers’ trade body the Investment Association.
Investors pulled a total of £7.1 billion out of funds in Q1 2022, a record quarterly outflow, but some confidence return in April, likely due to the ISA season, the IA said.
The ISA season saw savers place £683 million into funds via an ISA wrapper in April. Although down from the £1.4 billion reported in April 2021 at the end of the UK’s third lockdown, the 2022 ISA season overall saw net inflows of £934 million.
The IA said this was just above the average inflows of the last five years (£922 million) despite a challenging start to 2022 for overall fund flows.
Fixed Income fund outflows stabilised to £18 million in April, down from £3.3 billion in March - the month in which both the US Federal Reserve and the Bank of England raised rates.
Global Equity Income was the bestselling IA sector in April with inflows of £678 million. Responsible investment funds saw inflows up nearly 30% in April, rising to £1.2 billion – up from £935 million in March.
The worst-selling Investment Association sector in April 2022 was UK All Companies, which was hit by outflows of £486 million even though UK stock markets fared better than many world markets in the early 2022 downturn.
Miranda Seath, head of market insight at the Investment Association, said: “Savers returned to the fund market in April as we saw inflows boosted by ISA season.
“Although inflows to ISA wrappers, based on IA data, were half those of 2021, they were still the third strongest in the last 5 years. This is significant as April’s positive sales come after one of the most challenging first quarters for retail fund flows on record.
“The IA Global Equity Income sector became the top-selling IA sector for the first time in April. This was not just driven by investors looking for alternative sources of income. As the outlook for equity growth weakens, investors have looked for funds investing in companies that pay good dividends consistently to top up the overall returns equity investors receive.”
- Global Equity Income with net retail sales of £678 million.
- Mixed Investment 40-85% Shares was second with net retail sales of £468 million.
- Volatility Managed followed with net retail sales of £440 million.
- Specialist Bond was fourth with net retail sales of £293 million.
- North America was fifth with £257 million.
Mixed Asset funds was the best-selling asset class in April 2022, with £576 million in net retail sales. Other funds (which includes the Targeted Absolute Return, Volatility Managed, and Unclassified sectors) was the second best-selling asset class, with £457 million of inflows.
Property saw £5 million in outflows in April 2022. Fixed Income funds was fourth with outflows of £18 million. Money Market funds saw £22 million in outflows. Equity funds saw £435 million of outflows.
North America was the best-selling equity fund region in April 2022, with net retail sales of £241 million.
Global was second with net retail sales of £148 million.
All other equity regions experienced outflows.
Japan funds saw £93 million in outflows, while Asia funds saw outflows of £153 million.
Europe funds saw outflows of £482 million, and UK funds saw outflows of £689 million.
Tracker funds saw a net retail inflow of £1.5 billion in April 2022. Tracker funds under management stood at £293 billion as of the end of April. Their overall share of industry funds under management was 19.6%.
In April, gross retail sales for UK fund platforms totalled £14 billion, representing a market share of 50.1%. Gross retail sales through Other UK Intermediaries including IFAs were £8.3 billion, representing a market share of 27.8%. Direct gross retail sales in April were £1.1 billion, representing a market share of 3.8%.