PFS celebrates contribution of regional volunteers

The hard-working volunteers who keep the Personal Financial Society’s regional committees running smoothly have been celebrated at the annual Officer’s Conference and Awards Ceremony.
The awards, hosted at Luton Hoo in Luton, recognise the contribution society committee officers make to the professional body’s development and the wider profession on a pro-bono basis.
Regional Chairs who were named as winners received the highest feedback scores from society members for the performance of their duties. Scores are collected for each quarter, with a winner being chosen for the large, medium and small regions.
Winners for 2019 Q1
Large Region - Kevin Forbes, Chair of the Hants & Dorset region, and Partner at Strategic Solutions Financial Services
Medium Region - Richard Sheppard, Chair of the Surrey region, and Adviser at Capital Planning Partners
Small Region - Ged Dixon, Chair of the Plymouth and Cornwall region, and Director at Morlaix LTD
Winners for 2019 Q2
Large Region - Richard Libberton, Chair of the Central Scotland region, and Chartered Financial Planner at Thomson Cooper Accountants
Medium Region - Richard Cohen, Chair of the Sussex Region, and Chartered Financial Planner at Nsure Financial Services
Small Region - Mark Maclean, Chair of the Essex Region, and Director at Harperlees Financial Planning
Winners for 2019 Q3:
Large Region - John Bruce, Chair of the Tyne Tees region, and Principle Director at Bruce and co. Legal and Financial
Medium Region - Paul Lewis, Chair of the Lancashire, Merseyside & Cumbria region, and Principle Director at Polygon Financial Ltd
Small Region - Angus Mackintosh, Chair of the North Scotland region, and Director of AMLP Financial Planning Ltd
Winners for 2019 Q4:
Large Region - Kelvyn Hatch, Chair of the South Wales region, and Director at Acumen Investment Solutions Limited
Medium Region - Colin Simmons, Chair of the Thames Valley region, and Business Development Manager at Prudential
Small Region - Trevor Griggs, Chair of the Jersey Region, and Director at Advisa Financial Services LTD
Keith Richards, CEO of the Personal Finance Society, said: ”Our regional committees and officers continue to be a driving force in the evolution of our professional development programme and are selfless and passionate about giving something back to the society of personal finance professionals we serve.
“The annual conference and awards dinner is an opportunity for me to personally thank them for their commitment and support throughout the past year as well as an opportunity to focus on the future and networking with likeminded peers.”