Redmayne launches white labelled CIP

Investment manager Redmayne Bentley has launched a white-labelled centralized investment proposition for Financial Planners.
The Your Portfolio Service is designed to reduce ongoing administration and resource costs for advisers.
All portfolios are mapped to a variety of risk-profiling solutions and cover accumulation, decumulation and ESG.
The CIP can be hosted on the adviser’s preferred platform.
The investment manager will create a range of portfolios for financial advisers using the solution as well as running on-site investment committee meetings to allow advisers to have meaningful ongoing input into the investment proposition.
The proposition was initially soft launched with a small number of advisers in 2019.
Redmayne Bentley said the current regulatory landscape can make it “operationally onerous” for advice firms to manage clients on an advisory basis and that a CIP solution allows advisers to have much more input into the investment management than a discretionary on-platform MPS solution.
James Andrews, partner and director of investment management at Redmayne Bentley, said: “We soft-launched this proposition in 2019, based on demand from existing financial adviser clients. It has been very well received due to the level of support we have offered to Advisors and the performance of the portfolios has been very positive, outperforming their respective ARC benchmarks.
“In response to the feedback received we are now partnering with other like-minded firms where we can help create capacity through leveraging Redmayne Bentley’s investment expertise. This white-labelled service allows them to spend more time directly advising their clients, retaining the closeness of those relationships and the strength of their brand.”
Advisers using Your Portfolio Service will have a dedicated investment manager, white-labelled documentation, and quarterly investment committees.
Lawrence Fisher, investment management department manager at Redmayne Bentley, said: “The overarching aim is to help advisers mitigate the regulatory risk and operational burden within their business through a high quality proposition, which enables them to spend more time advising their clients.”